5 April 2024
Europe/Budapest timezone

The potential of ChatGPT in Teaching/Learning Programming

5 Apr 2024, 15:20
Grand Auditorium (EsACT)

Grand Auditorium


EsACT IPB Campus do Cruzeiro Avenida 25 de Abril, Cruzeiro, Lote 2. Apartado 128. 5370-202 Mirandela.


Dr Carlos Rompante Cunha (EsACT Bragança Polytechnic University, Mirandela, Portugal)


Artificial Intelligence (AI), which for several years was associated with the domain of laboratory R&D and the back office of large organizations, has recently exploded, with the branch of generative AI.
AI has reached the masses, the common user, who uses it and tries to understand it and take advantage of it.
The implications and impacts of this “new AI” are enormous and multifaceted.
Education systems are ecosystems that will have to know how to live with this new reality. From opinions prohibiting its use to those who see it as another tool available to everyone, it is important to reflect on how we should manage this new reality which, like all new realities, brings challenges and opportunities.
This communication briefly reflects on this new reality and how it could impact the teaching and learning of programming languages.

Primary author

Dr Carlos Rompante Cunha (EsACT Bragança Polytechnic University, Mirandela, Portugal)

Presentation materials